• Set Targets

    Table of Contents

    Introduction to Targets 

    How to View Targets 

    Introduction to Targets

    Set and achieve your fitness goals more efficiently with Fitbod's newest feature: Targets! Whether aiming at hypertrophy or consistency, Targets will provide structure for your progress!

    Our teams dug through our data and found volume, in particular, is key to hypertrophy and strength. They used this information to build a volume target model that worked for all Fitbodders. It takes your goals, past training sessions, and stats in, and it spits your targets out.

    Important Note: You can expect this feature to be available late this summer for both all iOS and Android users. It's currently available to Beta Users Only!

    How to View Fitbod Targets 

    Fitbod automatically generates weekly volume targets for you when you open the app. These targets are expressed in working sets per muscle group per week. Don't overtrain and burn out for these. Make sure they fit your fitness plan.

    Important Note: You can expect this feature to be available late this summer for both iOS and Android users. It's currently available to Beta Users Only!

    To View Fitbod Targets 

    Open the Fitbod app 

    1. Select the Targets Tab

    (image to the left sections are collapsed, image to the right sections are expanded)

  • Unit of Measurement

    Table of Contents 

    Introduction to Unit of Measurement 

    How to Change Your Unit of Measurement for the iOS and Android app

    To Change Your Unit of Measurement for a Particular Exercise 



    Introduction to Unit of Measurement 

    The Unit of Measurement feature allows you to toggle between pounds and kilograms. Choose the one that works best for you and the equipment you have available.

    Important Note

    This is a global setting for the app

    How to Change Your Unit of Measurement for the iOS and Android app 

    You can change your Unit of Measurement by doing the following: 

    Open the Fitbod app 

    1. Tap the "Log" tab (bottom right corner) 
    2. Tap the Settings icon (gear in the top right corner) 
    3. Scroll down to the "About You" section 
    4. Select Unit of Measurement 
    5. Select Lbs (Pounds) or Kgs (Kilograms)

    *** iOS images to the left Android images to the right

    To Change Your Unit of Measurement for a Particular Exercise

    The Unit of Measurement setting will change ALL of the Units of Measurement in the app. If that's not what you need, you can change the Units of Measurement for individual exercises in the app, too.

    You can change your Unit of Measurement for an exercise by doing the following: 


    Open Fitbod 

    1. Start a workout 
    2. Tap on the exercise you want to update 
    3. Select More
    4. Tap either Pounds (lbs) or Kilograms (kgs)

    Unit of Measurement 1.jpeg  Unit of Measurement 2.jpeg 


    We're sorry, but the Unit of Measurement for a Particular Exercise is not available on Android just yet! our team is hard at work to bring the best features to match the iOS app experience. To see other features that are on our roadmap for Android, please visit our Plans for Android page.

    If you need any additional assistance, please reach out to our Support Team at support@fitbod.me, we're happy to help! 


  • Exercise Notes

    Table of Contents

    Introduction to Exercise Notes

    Exercise Notes on iOS and Android

    How to Add an Exercise Note to iOS and Android

    How to View an Exercise Note on iOS and Android

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Can I view Exercise Notes during a workout in progress?

    Can I save Exercise Notes for Saved Workouts?


    Introduction to Exercise Notes

    Check out our new Exercise Notes feature—designed to enhance your fitness journey! Use Exercise Notes to better engage with and optimize your workouts. Our team recommends it for...

    • Exercise and Equipment Settings: Set up equipment, like bar height, for future sessions and take the guesswork out of it. 
    • Equipment Preferences: Models and brands of equipment can feel different. Note the ones you like to keep your training consistent.
    • Modifications for Injuries or Limitations: Stay safe by documenting workout adaptations and modifications you've made.
    • Sensations or Potential Injuries: Note how you feel during and/or after training to recover better and prevent injuries.

    Our team added Exercise Notes to help you personalize your routine. By logging these details, you'll make better, more sustained progress—regardless of expertise.


    Exercise Notes on iOS and Android

    Exercise Notes are accessible on the exercise detail screen of each specific exercise. These notes will also appear in the Results tab for past performances. Find those through the Log tab or your Exercise History. Check the screenshot below.

    Notes 3.png Notes Results Tab.jpeg


    How to Add an Exercise Note on iOS and Android

    To add an Exercise Note on iOS and Android from the Log tab:

    1. Open a past workout
    2. Select a desired exercise to view the Exercise Details page
    3. Scroll to the Right and Select More
    4. Select Notes 
    5. Select the field to type a note
    6. Select SAVE 

    To add an Exercise Note on iOS and Android during a workout in progress:

    1. Select a desired exercise to view the Exercise Details page
    2. Scroll to the right and Select More
    3. Select Notes 
    4. Select the field to type a note
    5. Select SAVE 


    How to View Exercise Notes on iOS and Android

    To view all historical Exercise Notes saved for an exercise:

    1. Open a past workout
    2. Select a desired exercise to view the Exercise Details page
    3. Select History
    4. Select the Results tab
    5. Scroll to view notes corresponding to the session in which it was saved

    Notes Results Tab.jpeg




    Can I view Exercise Notes during a workout in progress?

    Yes! Exercise Notes can be accessed through the Results tabs within Exercise History. It doesn't matter if you're in an active workout session or not.


    Can I save Exercise Notes for Saved Workouts?

    Yes! Exercise Notes can be saved to Saved Workouts using the same steps provided above. For more clarity, steps have been added below.

    To add an Exercise Note to a Saved Workout on iOS:

    1. Load a Saved Workout to the Workout tab
    2. Select a desired exercise to view the Exercise Details page
    3. Scroll to the bottom and select More
    4. Scroll to Add a note…
    5. Select the field to type a note
    6. Select SAVE NOTE to save

    To add an Exercise Note to a Saved Workout on Android:

    1. Load a Saved Workout to the Workout tab
    2. Select a desired exercise to view the Exercise Details page
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to Add Note
    4. Select the field to open the dialog
    5. Type your note and select Save (top right)

    If you have any feedback on our new Exercise Notes feature, please email us at feedback@fitbod.me. Our team would love to hear from you!


  • Fitness Goal

    Picking a Fitness Goal That Fits You. 

    Fitbod has six different fitness goals, each of which will train you in a particular way. 

    Pick the one that matches what you want to accomplish, and don’t worry—you can change it whenever you want, without losing your fitness data.

    Here’s an overview of each goal:


    Strength Training

    Fitbod's Strength Training goal will help you get stronger, and move better. This goal focuses on large muscle groups, like the back, chest, and legs, with some accessory work. Most routines will be made up of compound lifts with a bit of cardio enabled.


    This goal focuses on building lean muscle and defining your physique. Fitbod will recommend higher repetitions of moderate weights, focusing on isolation exercises and individual muscles. If enabled, this goal adds the least amount of cardio to its recommendations.

    Muscle Tone/Circuit Training

    This goal is a good choice for cutting phases and weight loss. Fitbod will recommend high repetitions of compound isolation exercises with lighter weights in a circuit format that will keep your heart rate high. If enabled, rest periods between exercises will also be shorter, and cardio will compromise nearly half of your workout.

    Related Resources: How to Enable Cardio Recommendations 

    General Fitness

    Fitbod's General Fitness goal will work all muscle groups, use a variety of equipment, and add cardio to each training session if enabled. This one's good for those who aren't sure where to start.


    Fitbod's Powerlifting goal is geared toward improvements in the sport of powerlifting. Pick this one for workout recommendations that will build strength and movement for the three key lifts of that sport: Bench press, squat, and deadlift. You will train by doing fewer repetitions of higher weights and very little cardio. The splits are basic - full-body or an upper/lower.

    Olympic Lifting

    This is Fitbod’s most specific Fitness goal. It’s tailored to those who want to be better at the two Olympic Weightlifting movements: The snatch and the clean and jerk. You will focus on compound movements and full-body splits that build strength and technique. This goal recommends more sets, fewer reps, and only a little cardio.

    Fitness Goals Change: Here’s How To Update Yours on Fitbod

    You can always update your fitness goal! Follow the steps below to do it.

    1. Open the Fitbod app 
    2. Select your Gym Profile
    3. Scroll down to “Workout Settings”
    4. Select “Fitness Goal”
    5. Select your new goal 
    6. Hit “Save”


  • Recommend More, Less, or Exclude

    Table of Contents 


    How To Use This Feature

    For iOS and Android

    Managing Exercises

    Resetting Your Excluded Exercise List

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Why do I continue to receive this exercise even after selecting 'recommend less,' or why don't I encounter any exercises despite choosing 'recommend more?'



    Like you, Fitbod just keeps getting better and better! You can now personalize your workouts, even more. With this new feature, you can tell our app to recommend exercises more, less, or never again:

    • Recommend More Often: Love a specific exercise or want to master a movement? Have the app recommend it to you more often. 
    • Less Often: Don't love an exercise but know that it’s an important one to keep in your routines? Have the app recommend it to you less often.
    • Exclude: Hate an exercise or need to avoid a movement because of an injury? Tell the app not to recommend it at all! 

    How To Use This Feature: 

    For iOS and Android

    1. Open Fitbod
    2. Select the Workout Tab in the bottom left corner
    3. Hit the ellipsis (“...”) next to the exercise you want to modify

    IMG_9987.PNG More__Less__Exclude_Android.jpg

    4. Select Recommend More Often, Recommend Less Often, or Dont Recommend Again

    IMG_9988.PNG More__Less__Exclude_Android_2.jpg

    *Images left to right include iOS to Android


    Managing Exercises: 

    If you want an exercise back into your workout rotation, you can manage your exercise list by…

    1. Opening Fitbod 
    2. Selecting the "Log" tab 
    3. Hitting the Settings icon in the top right corner
    4. Scrolling down to "Workout Settings"
    5. Selecting "Manage Exercises"     

     More__Less_Exclude_ios.PNG More__Less__Exclude_Android_3.jpg  

    *Images left to right include iOS to Android.

    For additional information about our Recommend More, Less, or Exclude feature please visit our Blog.


    Resetting Your Excluded Exercise List

    If you would like your list of excluded exercises to be reset, please get in touch with our Support team at support@fitbod.me, and we can help facilitate that for you.


    Why do I continue to receive this exercise even after selecting 'recommend less,' or why don't I encounter any exercise despite choosing 'recommend more'?

    When utilizing the Recommend More or Less feature, you can anticipate encountering exercises 20-40% less frequently or 40-60% more often. 

    What exactly does that mean for Fitbod users?

    Your Gym Profile Settings (i.e.Fitness Goal, Experience Level, Available Equipment, Muscle Fatigue (Recovery), Muscle Split, Workout Duration, etc.) may influence whether an exercise is included in your workout regimen. You can think of it as an exercise ranking system specifically tailored to your Gym Profile configuration.  

    Even with Recommend More / Less, there is a possibility that you may still encounter an exercise that you’ve marked as Recommend less, due to it being a highly rated exercise for your specific Gym Profile configuration. 

    Alternatively, toggling Recommend More may result in the possibility of not receiving certain exercises in your workout, because they are low-ranked exercises based on your specific Gym Profile configuration or because they are typically recommended towards the end of a workout, which may not align with shorter workout durations. 

    If you still have questions? Please feel free to contact our Support team for additional information at support@fitbod.me

  • Editing Workouts

    In this article, you will find details and instructions on how to edit workouts in Fitbod.  

    Table of Contents

    Edit Reps, Sets, and Weight

    Edit Target Muscle Groups



    Replace, Delete or Reorder Exercises

    Filter Exercises

    Filters for Adding an Exercise

    For iOS and Android

    Filters for Replacing an Exercise 

    For iOS and Android 


    Creating Your Own


    Edit Reps, Sets, and Weight

    Within any workout (whether it is a current workout or logged past workout), you can edit the displayed reps, sets, and weight for any given exercise.


    To edit reps on iOS and Android

    1. Select exercise
    2. Select number indicated as REPS
    3. Use keypad to edit


    Important Note:

    When entering high number digits (>29), the app will auto-fill this number to a single digit. For example, if you try to input 30 reps, the app will auto-fill the value to 3. This happens because the app is trying to predict the number you are trying to input. When the app auto-fills, it will auto-select the weight window (to the right). By tapping back into the reps window and ensuring the text cursor is behind the current reps digit, you will be able to add additional digits.


    To add a set (Warm-Up or Working) on iOS

    1. Select exercise
    2. + Add (Warm-Up/Working) Set (may need to scroll down)

    To add a set (Working) on Android

    1. Select exercise
    2. + Add Set (may need to scroll down)


    Important Note:

    ***Adding Warm-Up Sets is not currently available on Android but we're working on implementing this feature!

    ***When adding a set, the app will auto-fill the reps and weight window to match the previous set.


    To delete a set on iOS and Android

    1. Swipe left on the set
    2. Select Delete


    To edit weight on iOS and Android

    1. Select exercise
    2. Select the window indicated as weight (Pounds/Kilograms)
    3. Use the keypad to edit


    Important Note:

    ***For barbell exercises, Fitbod's Plate Calculator (only on iOS) is available by swiping right on a set! Editing the amount of weight will edit will adjust the plate calculator accordingly. For more information on our Plate Calculator feature, please visit our Plate Calculator article.


    Edit Target Muscle Groups


    While on the Workout screen, you can edit the muscle groups you wish to target. To do this:

    1. Select the filter icon in the right-hand corner 
    2. Quick Edits
    3. Select/Highlight which muscle groups you want to target in your workout
    4. Save



    Alternatively, you can select the muscle group section at the top of your workout.




    Important Note:

    ***After editing your target muscle groups, Fitbod will generate a new workout based on the adjustment you made.



    While on the Workout screen, you can edit the muscle groups you wish to target. To do this:

    1. Select "..." icon (top right)
    2. Target Muscles
    3. Select/Highlight which muscle groups you want to target in your workout
    4. Save



    Alternatively, you can select the muscle group section at the top of your workout.




    Important Note:

    ***After editing your target muscle groups, Fitbod will generate a new workout based on the adjustment you made.


    Replace, Delete, or Reorder Exercises

    Replace an Exercise on iOS and Android

    While on the Workout screen, you can replace a current exercise with a different exercise focused on the same muscle group. To do this:

    1. Swipe left on the exercise you want to replace
    2. Replace



    Important Note:

    ***The app will provide you with a list of top recommended exercises. If you have no interest in any of the suggestions, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and select + See all [muscle group] exercises. This will allow you to search for exercises within our exercise database that focus on that muscle group.


    Delete an exercise on iOS

    To delete an exercise from your workout:

    1. Swipe left on the exercise
    2. Delete

    Delete an exercise on Android

    1. Long hold on the exercise
    2. Drag the exercise to the Trash Bin icon (bottom left)


    Reorder exercises on iOS and Android

    To reorder your list of exercises:

    1. Start on the Workout screen
    2. Short hold on any exercise and move anywhere within your workout list


    Important Note:

    ***When performing a hold action, refrain from adding pressure which might trigger a 3D Touch action (certain iOS devices only). To adjust your 3D Touch sensitivity:

    1. Go to your iPhone Settings
    2. Select "General"
    3. Select "Accessibility"
    4. Select "3D Touch"
    5. Adjust Sensitivity to Firm

    Filter Feature

    Save yourself time and effort with Fitbod's exercise filtering feature. You'll be able to quickly sort through our library of over a thousand exercises in a few quick taps. Find whatever fitness thing you need-wherther by muscle group or avaliable equipment.

    Filters for Adding an Exercise

    When you want to add an exercise to one of your workouts, Fitbod will first show you all the exercises in our library. You can then choose which filters you want to apply. They start with muscle and category filters. Selecting those will allow you to refine your search further with subcategories. Those are Equipment, Body Weight Only, and more. 

    How to use the Filter Feature for iOS and Android

    Open the Fitbod app 

    1. Select the "+" icon 
    2. Selectthe filter icon (top-left corner)
    3. Begin filtering 

    Default Filters for Replacing an Exercise 

    There are default filters based on the exercise's muscle group you're trying to replace.

    For example, if you replace an exercise, the app will provide you with similar exercises. They will focus on the same muscle group and based on your workout equipment. If you don't see an exercise you want to do, other filtering optiions exist. You can adjust your filter setting by Most Logged, Least Logged, Never Logged, and more. 

    How to Use the Filter Feature When Replacing an Exercise for iOS and Android

    Open the Fitbod app 

    1. Start a workout 
    2. Select the exercise you want to replace 
    3. Select the filter icon (top-right corner) 
    4. Sort ByL Best replacements, Your Most Logged, Your Least Logged, Never Logged 
    5. Filter by Equipment: Your Equipment, No Equipment, Same Equipment, Different Equipment


    Create a superset/circuit

    While on the Workout screen, you can build a superset or circuit with the exercises you currently have in your workout. To do this:

    1. Start on the Workout screen
    2. Select "..." icon (top right)
    3. Build Superset
    4. Select the exercises you want in your superset/circuit
    5. Save







    Important Notes:

    There is no limit on the number of exercises you can have in a circuit. To add exercises to your circuit (that are not currently in your workout), please visit Add Exercise to Circuit. To create a duplicate of a circuit in your workout, please visit Duplicate Superset/Circuit. If you no longer wish to superset/circuit your pair/group of exercises, please visit Unbundle Superset/Circuit.


    Add Exercise to Circuit on iOS

    To add one or more exercises to a circuit:

    1. Select "..." icon (next to circuit heading)
    2. Add Exercise to Circuit
    3. Select the exercise(s) you wish to add
    4. Add # Exercise(s)

    Alternatively, you can also short hold on any exercise in your current workout list and drag and drop the exercise in any position within the circuit.


    Add Exercise to Circuit on Android

    To add one or more exercises to a circuit, you'll need to have the desired exercises within your workout beforehand.

    1. Short hold on the exercise in your current workout list
    2. Drag and drop the exercise in any position within the circuit


    Duplicate Superset/Circuit on iOS

    To duplicate a circuit in your workout (have two of the same circuit in the workout):

    1. Select "..." icon (next to circuit heading)
    2. Duplicate Circuit

    Important Note:

    ***Duplicating a Superset/Circuit is not currently available on Android, but we are working on implementing this feature into the app.
    ***After duplicating a circuit, you can edit each circuit individually.


    Normalize weight in superset/circuit on iOS

    To normalize weights in a superset/circuit in your workout:

    1. Select "..." icon (next to circuit heading)
    2. Normalize Weights of Superset/Circuit

    Important Note:

    ***Normalizing weight in a Superset/Circuit is not currently available on Android, but we are working on implementing this feature into the app.

    ***If you receive the "Can't find weight match" pop-up, this means the difference in weight between exercises is too large for a proper set/rep scheme to be produced.

    ***For additional information about how Fitbod normalizes weight in a superset/circuit, please visit our How Fitbod Normalizes Weight in a Superset/Circuit article.


    Unbundle Superset/Circuit on iOS

    To unbundle a superset/circuit in your workout:

    1. Select "..." icon (next to circuit heading)
    2. Unbundle Superset/Circuit


    Important Note:

    ***Unbundling a superset/circuit will not delete the exercises from your workout.


    Unbundle Superset/Circuit on Android

    To unbundle a superset/circuit in your workout:

    1. Short hold on an exercise within the superset/circuit
    2. Drag and drop the exercise anywhere within the workout but outside of the superset/circuit
    3. Repeat for all exercises withing the superset/circuit

    Alternatively, you can long hold on an exercise and drag the exercise to the Trash Bin (bottom left). If you want to remove the superset/circuit completely, you can repeat this for all exercises within the superset/circuit.


    Creating Your Own

    With Fitbod, you can create your own workout from scratch in many different ways.


    Creating Workout from Scratch for iOS and Android

    1. Start on the Workout Screen
    2. Select the ellipsis "..." (top right corner)
    3. Select + Create workout from scratch 


    Target Individual Muscle Groups for iOS and Android

    1. Start on the Workout Screen
    2. Select the ellipsis "..." (top right corner)
    3. Select + Create workout from scratch 
    4. Select Target Muscle Groups


    Pick a Starting Exercise for iOS and Android

    1. Start on the Workout Screen
    2. Select the ellipsis "..." (top right corner)
    3. Select + Create workout from scratch 
    4. Pick a starting exercise


    Important Note:

    ***After creating a workout, you can save the workout to use whenever you like. To do this, please go to Save Workout (below).


  • Circuits & Supersets

    Table of Contents

    Introduction to Circuits & Supersets

    Enabling and Disabling Circuits/Supersets

    Create a Circuit/Superset

    Move a Circuit/Superset

    Add an Exercise to a Circuit/Superset

    Log a Circuit/Superset to a Logged Workout

    Normalize Weight in a Circuit/Superset



    Unbundle a Circuit/Superset



    Remove an Exercise from a Circuit/Superset

    Delete a Circuit/Superset


    Introduction to Circuits & Supersets

    With supersets and circuits, save time and take the intensity of your workouts to the next level!

    A superset is performing two exercises (commonly strength training exercises that target the same muscle group in variation or two different muscle groups) in a row without any rest in between them.

    A circuit is three or more exercises (strength training or cardio-based) completed in multiple rounds. Circuit training is a muscle and cardio endurance type workout with minimal rest in between exercises. 

    In addition to Fitbod's superset and circuit feature, you have the option to normalize the weight being used within your supersets and circuits. This allows you to perform your superset and circuit exercises with one barbell or one set of dumbbells (depending on the exercises) while maintaining your program progression.

    Important Note

    For new users, Circuits and Supersets are not enabled by default. If you would like to include them in your workouts, simply toggle them ON or OFF in your Gym Profile Settings

    Related Resources: How Fitbod Normalizes Superstes and Circuit Weight


    1__3_.png 4__2_.png
    ***Images from left to right, iOS and Android. Superset viewed from the Workout tab


    Superset viewed from the exercise detail page iOS (exercise 1/2)


    Superset viewed from the exercise detail page iOS (exercise 2/2)

    How to Enable or Disable Circuits/Supersets

    Open the Fitbod app

    1. Select Your Gym Profile (top left corner)
    2. Scroll to Workout Settings
    3. Select Circuits & Supersets
    4. Toggle them ON or OFF
    5. Save

    IMG_1443.PNG IMG_1442.PNG

    How to Create a Circuit/Superset on iOS and Android

    While on the Workout screen, you can build a superset or a circuit with the exercises you currently have in your workout. Here are the steps to do this:

    1. Start on the Workout screen
    2. Select "..." at the top right
    3. Tap Build Superset 
    4. Select the exercises to be in your circuit or superset
    5. Click Save at the top right

    Note: There is no limit on the number of exercises you can have in a circuit/superset.


    How to Move a Circuit/Superset on iOS and Android

    To move a superset or a circuit as a whole, you will need to short hold on the circuit or superset title to drag and drop the circuit or superset in any position within the workout.


    How to Add an Exercise to a Circuit/Superset on iOS and Android 

    To add one or more exercises to a circuit or superset:

    1. Select the "..." icon (next to the circuit heading)
    2. Add Exercise to Circuit
    3. Select the exercise(s) you wish to add
    4. Add # Exercise(s)

    You can also short-hold on any exercise in your current workout list and drag and drop the exercise in any position within the circuit.

    How to Log a Circuit/Superset to a Logged Workout on iOS and Android 

    To log a circuit or a superset to a previously logged workout: 

    1. Select the Log tab 
    2. Select the past workout you would like to a circuit or superset to 
    3. Select the "+" on the right side of the screen 
    4. Select the exercises you would like to add 
    5. Select Group as...
    6. Select Circuit/Superset

    How to Duplicate a Circuit/Superset on iOS and Android

    To duplicate a circuit/superset in your workout (have two of the same circuit or superset in a workout):

    1. Select the "..." icon (next to the circuit heading)
    2. Duplicate Circuit

     After duplicating a circuit, you can edit each circuit individually.


    How to Normalize Weight in a Circuit/Superset


    To normalize weights in a circuit/superset in your workout:

    1. Select the "..." icon (next to the circuit heading)
    2. Normalize Weights of Circuit

    If you receive the "Can't find weight match" pop-up, this means the difference in weight between exercises is too large for a proper set/rep scheme to be produced. For additional information about how Fitbod normalizes weight in a superset/circuit, please click here.


    We're sorry, but the Normalize Weight in a Circuit/Superset is not available on Android just yet! our team is hard at work to bring the best features to match the iOS app experience. To see other features that are on our roadmap for Android, please visit our Plans for Android page.

    If you need any additional assistance, please reach out to our Support Team at support@fitbod.me, we're happy to help! 


    How to Unbundle a Circuit/Superset


    To unbundle a superset/circuit in your workout:

    1. Select the "..." icon (next to the circuit heading)
    2. Unbundle Superset/Circuit

    Unbundling a circuit/superset will not delete the exercises from your workout.


    We're sorry, but the Unbundle a Circuit/Superset is not available on Android just yet! Our team is hard at work to bring the best features to match the iOS app experience. To see other features that are on our roadmap for Android, please visit our Plans for Android page.

    If you need any additional assistance, please reach out to our Support Team at support@fitbod.me, we're happy to help!


    How to Remove an Exercise from a Circuit/Superset

    To remove an exercise from a superset/circuit, drag the exercise inside of the superset/circuit and then drag it into another superset/circuit or outside of one completely.


    How to Delete a Circuit/Superset

    After unbundling a circuit/superset, you can swipe left on the exercise(s) to delete them from your workout.



  • Plate Calculator


    Table of Contents


    To Access the Plate Calculator



    How to Use the Plate Calculator





    With Fitbod's Plate Calculator, you will never have to calculate the number of plates you need on each side to achieve your lift. The plate calculator is only available for exercises that require either an Olympic Bar, Standard Short Bar, EZ Bar, Yoke Bar, Trap (Hex) Bar, Swiss Bar, or Smith Machine (Custom Bar).


    To Access the Plate Calculator


    You can access the Plate Calculator by swiping right on a set (image below).





    We're sorry, the Plate Calculator is not available on Android just yet! Our team is hard at work to bring the best features to match the great iOS app experience. To see other features that are on our roadmap for Android, please visit our Plans for Android page.


    How to Use the Plate Calculator


    The Plate Calculator will display which plates and how many of them you need to load the weight indicated in the exercise details. In the example, Olympic Bar is selected as bar type. Let's say you do not currently have an Olympic Bar available but only a Standard Short Bar. By selecting Standard Short Bar, the plate calculator will recalculate accordingly (image below).




    You can also select which plates you have available as well!



    Enjoy :)



    We're sorry, the Plate Calculator is not available on Android just yet! Our team is hard at work to bring the best features to match the great iOS app experience. To see other features that are on our roadmap for Android, please visit our Plans for Android page.

  • Warm-up & Cool-down

    Table of Contents


    Types of warm-up & cool-down exercises

    How to enable warm-ups & cool-downs




    It is widely known and accepted that warm-up and cool-down routines provide many benefits to one's fitness routine, no matter what one's fitness goal may be.

    Warming up, as the term describes, warms the body by starting the cardiovascular system and increasing blood flow, which should be done prior to the workout session. A proper warm-up has been shown to decrease the risk of injury during any fitness activity as well as reduce the degree of muscle soreness and increase mobility. Cooling down after a workout allows your body to gradually recover its heart rate, blood flow, and body temperature in a slow manner. Cool-downs provide benefits such as prevention of muscle soreness and lightheadedness after a completed workout as well as increased mobility.

    Warm-up and cool-down routines are added time (not included) to your workout duration and the duration of these routines are calculated as 10% of your workout duration or 10 minutes maximum. For instance, if your workout duration setting is set to one hour, your warm-up and cool-down routines will be 3 minutes each or 6 minutes if you have only one of the two turned on.

    Similar to regular exercises in your Fitbod workout, warm-up and cool-down recommendations are generated by using Fitbod's algorithm. Both are specifically influenced by the muscle groups you target but neither are entirely determined by it.


    Types of warm-up & cool-down exercises

    Soft Tissue

    Stretches are comprised of foam rolling exercises to prepare muscles for movement by increasing blood flow and elasticity of the targeted muscles. This warm-up/cool-down type is typically performed first in a routine.

    Static Stretches

    Stretches are performed by holding a fixed body position for a period of time.

    Dynamic Stretches

    Stretches are performed by repeating a range of motion for a number of repetitions.


    Primer movements are typically done at the end of a warm-up and before your first compound lift. They intend to lubricate the joints and activate specific muscles to prepare muscle groups for weight lifting with maximum effort. This warm-up/cool-down type is typically performed last in a routine and before the first exercise.


    How to enable warm-ups & cool-downs

    1. Click on Your Gym Profile
    2. Scroll down and click on Warm-up & Cool-down
    3. Toggle on Include Warm-up and Cool-down exercises
    4. Enable the types of warm-up & cool-down exercises you'd like to see and select if you'd like to include them as a warm-up or a cool-down 

    Once you have selected your warm-up & cool-down preferences, your generated workout will include a collapsed warm-up or cool-down, which you will need to select in order to see the specified exercises to perform.

    You have the option to delete, replace with (swipe left), and add other warm-up or cool-down exercises available in Fitbod's exercise library.



    If you have any questions or comments about our Warm-up & Cool-down feature, please email us at support@fitbod.me


  • Warm-Up Sets

    Warm-up sets are sets you perform at low weight prior to your work sets. Performing warm-up sets allows your body to gradually prepare for your work sets by loosening up the joints and increasing heart rate and blood circulation which increases blood flow to the muscles. This will ultimately reduce the risk of injury.

    With Fitbod, you get a recommended weight scheme that builds up to your working weight for any exercise.


    To enable, go to your Gym Profile.

    1. Scroll down and select Warmup sets.
    2. Enable the toggle then press Save.

    After it is enabled, there are two options to see warm-up sets populate during your exercises:

    1. Log an exercise so Fitbod has a baseline for your desired working weight.
    2. Or you can add manually add a warm-up set to your exercise by scrolling down to the More option > Add Warmup Sets.


    To enable, go to your Gym Profile.

    1. Scroll down and select Warm-Up sets.
    2. Enable the toggle then hit the back button.

    After it is enabled, warm-up sets will appear in exercises with either an exercise history where heavy weights have been previously used or in exercises that use heavy weights by others within your same age group and fitness goal.


  • Rest Timer

    Table of Contents


    How to Turn the Rest Timer ON/OFF



    How to Turn Rest Timer Notifications ON/OFF



    How to Adjust the Rest Timer





    Resting in between exercise sets is necessary to increase muscular endurance during a workout which allows you to accomplish more before exhaustion. Fitbod's Rest Timer allows you to keep track and stay focused in between each set of your workout. Once you log a set, the countdown timer will start and a tone and/or vibration will emit when it’s time for your next set.

    Not sure how much time is needed in between each set? When activated, Fitbod's Rest Timer displays the proper rest period in between sets for any given exercise. The Rest Timer can be activated in any given exercise by switching the timer icon from OFF to ON.


    How to Turn the Rest Timer ON/OFF

    The rest timer icon can be found within the exercise details next to the # of sets display (directly under the exercise title).







    ***Important Note:

    Please keep in mind, that this setting will only make rest timers available during your workout. If you'd like to receive notifications of the rest timer completing during your workout, please turn on the notification setting which can be found in the next section of this article.


    How to Turn Rest Timer Notifications ON/OFF


    In Settings, under Workout Settings, you can turn your rest timer notifications on in order to be notified when your rest time has ended if you leave the Fitbod App. You can close the app, browse other apps or lock your phone and still be notified when it’s time to start your next set.


    To turn Rest Timer Notifications ON,

    1. Start on the Log screen
    2. Select the Settings icon (top right)
    3. Scroll to the Workout Settings section
    4. Select Notifications (screenshot below)
    5. Toggle When rest timer has ended to ON (screenshot below)

    Step 4


    Step 5




    In Settings, under App Settings, you can turn your rest timer notifications on in order to be notified when your rest time has ended if you leave the Fitbod App. You can close the app, browse other apps or lock your phone and still be notified when it’s time to start your next set.


    To turn Rest Timer Notifications ON,

    1. Start on the Log screen
    2. Select the Settings icon (top right)
    3. Scroll to the App Settings section
    4. Select Notifications (screenshot below)
    5. Toggle Rest Timer Completed to ON (screenshot below)

    Step 4


    Step 5



    ***Important Note:

    You need to have the app open to hear the timer go off. If you leave the app for another one or the screen goes to sleep, the app will send you a push notification instead of making a sound. So, if you switch songs between sets or your phone falls asleep fast, you'll need to toggle Push Notifications on too.

    How to Adjust the Rest Timer


    You can also adjust the timer (in increments of 10 seconds) to fit your capabilities by selecting "(time) REST" in pre-workout screen or during a workout in progress. Adjusting the Rest Timer in pre-workout screen will adjust for all rest timers for the exercise. During a workout in progress, rest timeradjustments only affect the current timer and NOT all rest timers for the exercise.  


    Rest Timer Adjustment



    Important Note:

    Rest timers are only for a singular exercise for a singular workout. They are generated depending on the difficulty of the lift so the rest time for an exercise today may not be the same rest as the next time you perform the same exercise. Therefore changing the rest time will only persist for that workout.



    You can also adjust the timer (in increments of 10 seconds) to fit your capabilities by selecting "(time) REST" in pre-workout screen or during a workout in progress. Adjusting the Rest Timer in pre-workout screen will adjust for all rest timers for the exercise. During a workout in progress, rest timer adjustments only affect the current timer and NOT all rest timers for the exercise.


    Rest Timer Adjustment



    ***Important Note:

    Rest timers are only for a singular exercise for a singular workout. They are generated depending on the difficulty of the lift so the rest time for an exercise today may not be the same rest as the next time you perform the same exercise. Therefore changing the rest time will only persist for that workout.

  • Cardio Recommendations

    Table of Contents






    With Fitbod's Cardio Recommendations feature, you can have a variety of cardio exercises recommended to perform before or after your workout and pre-fill the time, distance, and resistance values.



    To enable this feature for your iOS device:

    1. Click on the Workout tab.
    2. Click on your Your Gym Profile at the top right center.
    3. Scroll down to Cardio Recommendations.
    4. Enable Cardio Recommendations.
    5. After enabled, a list of cardio exercises will appear. See below image.
    6. Select the cardio exercises you'd like for future recommendations.
    7. You can also select your cardio exercise to be before or after your workout.
    8. Be sure to Save at the top right once you're done!




    To enable this feature for your Android device:

    1. Click on the Workout tab.
    2. Click on your Your Gym Profile at the top center.
    3. Scroll down to Cardio Recommendations.
    4. Enable Cardio Recommendations.
    5. After enabled, a menu will appear. See below image.
    6. Toggle if you'd like cardio to begin before or after your workout.
    7. Select which cardio exercises you'd like to be included as a recommendation.
    8. Hit the back button when done to save your selections. 





  • Estimated Calories Burned

    Table of Contents

    How Fitbod Calculates Calories Burned




    How Fitbod Calculates Calories Burned

    Fitbod calculates calories burned based on the volume of weight lifted during a workout and the duration of the workout. Additionally, Fitbod uses your Weight, Height, Gender, and Age to further refine and improve the calorie burned estimation.

    If you use Fitbod with an Apple Watch, Fitbod will also take into account your average heart rate for the workout as well. Your calorie calculation data will sync with third-party integrations and for more information on how that works, please visit the Integrations section in our Help Center.

    For additional information about how Fitbod calculates calories burned, please visit our How Fitbod Calculates Calories Burned article.



    Workout In-Progress

    In Fitbod's iOS app, you can view your estimated calories burned during your workout in real-time. To view your real-time update, swipe right on your workout screen. Please keep in mind, Fitbod will need to be in a workout in progress to view this feature.


    Logged Workout

    When your workout has been logged, your estimated calories burned will be displayed in your workout summary within the Log screen.




    Logged Workout

    When your workout has been logged, your estimated calories burned will be displayed in your workout summary within the Log screen.


  • Max Effort Day

    Table of Contents


    What is a Max Effort Day?

    How to View Max Effort Day



    How to Hide Max Effort Day



    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    When should I expect Max Effort?

    Can I hide (or turn off) Max Effort Day globally?

    Can I initiate Max Effort Day?

    Do the other exercises I've done during a workout affect Max-Effort exercises that are recommended later in the workout?



    Fitbod will now indicate if it’s your “Max Effort Day” for a given exercise.  On Max Effort Day, you will be given regular working sets along with two AMRAP (as many reps as possible) sets.  The first working set is ~70% of your Estimated Strength, the second set is ~80%, and your AMRAP sets are ~90%.  To test your limits, try to lift as many reps (following the weight recommendations) safely and with good form as you can.  By performing as many reps as possible, you can potentially set a new estimated strength and/or recalibrate the app to better reflect your capabilities.


    *Estimated Strength: Your estimated strength is the theoretical maximum weight you can lift in 1 rep for a given exercise, calculated from your past exercise history. This value will always be slightly higher than your actual max weight logged. In Fitbod, we use this number to calculate how much you should lift in other sets and rep ranges. For more information on projected Estimated Strength, please visit Fitbod Metrics + Records.


    What is Max Effort Day?

    With Max Effort Days, you not only push yourself but also refine set, rep, and weight recommendations that better fit your true capability for the next time you perform the exercise.


    How to view Max Effort Day

    To view Max Effort, you'll see MAX EFFORT DAY on the exercise detail page. The app will automatically generate this for you based on your exercise history. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to manually trigger this feature at this time. 








    How to hide Max Effort Day


    To hide Max Effort Day for a particular exercise on iOS:

    1. In the Max Effort Day heading, select "..." icon
    2. Simply tap on Hide Max Effort Day



    To hide Max Effort Day for a particular exercise on Android: 

    1. In the Max Effort Day heading, select "..." icon 
    2. Simply tap on Hide Max Effort Day



    When should I expect Max Effort?

    Max Effort will occur intermittently during any workout, yet certain limitations are enforced. These limitations include: 

    • It was Max Effort the last time you performed the exercise 
    • It's the first time you're doing the exercise. 
    • There is another Max Effort for the same muscle group in the workout. 
    • It's a band exercise. 
    • It's inside a Superset/Circuit

    Can I hide (or turn off) Max Effort Day globally?

    You can hide Max Effort individually for exercises that are being prompted on Max Effort Day. Unfortunately, we don't have an available feature in the app that allows you to turn off Max Effort Day completely.

    Can I initiate Max Effort Day?

    No, unfortunately, you cannot initiate a Max Effort Day on your own. Max Effort Days are periodically generated when you have completed several workouts. 

    Do the other exercises I've done during a workout affect Max-Effort exercises that are recommended later in the workout?

    No, the app does not automatically adjust your Max Effort due to your previous exercises in the same workout, but it does consider the total volume of all exercises performed for a muscle group when creating future recommendations for that exercise/muscle group.



  • Exertion Rating

    Table of Contents

    Introduction to Exertion Rating

    Exertion Rating for iOS

    Exertion Rating on the Apple Watch 

    Exertion Rating for Android

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    What should I rate?

    How does the Exertion Rating impact my future recommendations?

    Why am I not being prompted for exertion ratings with all exercises?


    Introduction to Exertion Rating

    Exertion is defined by how much effort and energy was expended while performing the prescribed sets, reps, and weight. Fitbod will ask you to rate the difficulty of a certain set, rep, and weight combination. However, if you happen to modify the prescribed sets, reps, and/or weight, Fitbod will NOT prompt you to rate your effort of exertion it will assume you adjusted your workout to your capability. Your Exertion Rating will help optimize future weight recommendations and keep you in the ideal range!




    Important Note: 

    Assigning a No Effort or an Easy rating to an exercise set will not automatically increase the weight in your next generated workout. Instead, Fitbod will recalibrate and elevate the overall intensity of your workout by adjusting factors like set, rep, and weight variations that align with the gym profile fitness goal you've selected.

    Exertion Rating for iOS

    If you have not yet logged an exercise, Fitbod will recommend a set, rep, and weight scheme based on our Warm Start model (information on Warm Start). If you complete and log this Warm Start recommendation, Fitbod will prompt you to enter your Exertion Rating. If you modify the prescribed sets, reps, and weight, Fitbod will assume you modified the scheme to your capability and will not explicitly prompt you to rate your effort exertion.

    For exercises you have logged before, you may enter your Exertion Rating after logging all sets. Your Exertion Rating should assess your highest effort set (most reps/weight) or your last set (if all sets are the same). The option to enter your Exertion Rating appears at the bottom of the set list:




    Exertion Rating on Apple Watch

    To utilize the Exertion Rating feature on the Apple Watch, similar to the phone, the Exertion Rating will only be prompted if you haven't made any modifications to the recommended workout. Additionally, the Exertion rating will not appear on the watch app if your phone is open and is prompted on the watch when the phone is locked or Fitbod is running in the background.



    Exertion Rating for Android

    We're sorry, but Exertion Rating is not available on Android just yet! Our team is hard at work to bring the best features to match the iOS app experience. To see other features that are on our roadmap for Android, please visit our Plans for Android page.



    What should I rate?

    You should assess your highest effort set (most reps/weight) or your last set if all sets are the same based on how difficult it was 

    How does the Exertion Rating impact my future recommendations?

    Your exertion rating will allow the algorithm to learn and understand more about how much effort it took to perform your recommended exercises and use this knowledge to fine-tune your recommendations as you progress.

    Why am I not being prompted for exertion ratings with all exercises?

    Fitbod only prompts Exertion Ratings for strength-based exercises. You will not be prompted for Exertion Ratings when doing mobility or stretching exercises. For example, if you perform the Cat Cow exercise, which is considered a mobility/stretching exercise (a dynamic warm-up/cool-down exercise), you will not be prompted for an exertion rating.

  • Timed Intervals


    Table of Contents


    Interval Time based on Fitness Experience

    Interval Training as an entire workout

    Interval Training at the beginning or then end of a workout


    Enabling Timed Interval workouts

    Editing your Timed Interval workout

    Navigating Timed Intervals during your workout


    Plans for future iterations



    Get ready to break a sweat with our HIIT-inspired training program and bring some excitement to your workouts!

    Intervals are performed based on time and can differ based on fitness experience, you can find details about this below. Your goal is to perform as many reps as possible safely during the permitted time. Similar to Supersets and Circuits, you will not only do this for one exercise but for a few in the form of rounds (there are some cases where a single exercise can be generated as an interval, it is possible).



    Interval Time based on Fitness Experience

    Interval Training as an entire workout

    Beginner - 30 seconds of work with 30 seconds rest after each round for 10 minutes total

    Intermediate - 30/45 seconds of work with 30 seconds rest after each round for 20 minutes total

    Advanced - 30/45/60 seconds of work with 30 seconds rest after each round for 30 minutes total

    Interval Training at the beginning or then end of a workout

    Beginner - 30 seconds of work with 30 seconds rest after each round for 25% of workout duration or 15 minutes total

    Intermediate - 30/45 seconds of work with 10/15 seconds rest after each round for 25% of workout duration or 15 minutes total

    Advanced - 30/45/60 seconds of work with 10/15/20 seconds rest after each round for 25% of workout duration or 15 minutes total



    Enabling Timed Interval workouts

    1. Click your Gym Profile by clicking the top center of the Workout tab.

    2. Scroll to Timed Intervals.

    3. Toggle on.

    4. Set your Timed Interval workout to be generated at the beginning of your workout, at the end of your workout, or as an entire workout.


    Editing your Timed Interval workout

    Similar to other Fitbod workout features, you have the ability to edit and create.

    To add an exercise to the circuit

    1. Select the "..." icon next to the interval heading
    2. Add Exercises to Times Interval Group
    3. Select exercises
    4. Add

    To duplicate the circuit

    1. Select the "..." icon next to the interval heading
    2. Duplicate Timed Interval Group

    To change the time of the circuit

    1. Select the "..." icon next to the interval heading
    2. Change Timed Interval Group Duration

    To unbundle the circuit

    1. Select the "..." icon next to the interval heading
    2. Unbundle Timed Interval Group

    To move the circuit within your workout

    1. Long hold the circuit heading
    2. Drag and drop to the desired position


    Navigating Timed Intervals during your workout

    Interval training is a high-intensity, short rest workout format so we've created a hands-free workout experience! During your workout in progress, select your first exercise in the Timed Interval Circuit. 




    Select the Stopwatch icon to access the Interval Timer. This timer will auto-play through the entire circuit that way, you can put your phone down within visible distance and perform the entire circuit without needing to Log Set. To begin, select the Play button and get ready to go!




    If you would like to turn off auto-play, select the Settings icon and Stop Timer after every interval.





    We're sorry, but timed intervals are not available on Android just yet! Our team is hard at work to bring all features to Android to match the iOS app experience.

    To see other features that are on our roadmap for Android, please visit our Plans for Android page.