Table of Contents
How to connect your Strava account to Fitbod
How Fitbod uses your Strava activity data
Strava workouts that import into Fitbod
What is Strava?
Strava is a social network for athletes. Share your achievements and stay motivated with kudos and comments from your friends and training buddies. Connect with fellow athletes, compare your weekly stats against the club leaderboard, and find motivation from your fellow club members.
Join the Fitbod Club
By connecting your Fitbod account to Strava, you can post a recap of every workout to your Strava profile (option given when you Finish Workout). You can also log your Strava Runs, Bike Rides, and E-Bike Rides to Fitbod to reflect your muscle recovery state and adjust your Fitbod program.
For additional information about Strava, please visit the Strava website.
How to connect your Strava account to Fitbod
If you haven't created a Strava account, you can either download the Strava app or sign up at before connecting and syncing Fitbod and Strava.
To connect Fitbod to your Strava account:
- Open the Fitbod app
- Log tab
- Settings (top right corner)
- Scroll to Connected Apps
- Strava
- Connect with Strava
- Sign in to your Strava account
- Check "Upload activities for you and edit your profile" if you want Fitbod workouts to be posted into Strava
- Authorize
- Select "Yes" or "No" if you'd like to sync activities for the last 7 days
When connected to Strava, you can:
- Post your Fitbod workout to your Strava account (option given when you Finish Workout)
- Post your Strava workouts to Fitbod
If it is your first time connecting to Strava, Fitbod will pull in run/ride data from the last 7 days. In order for your activities to import into Fitbod, they will need to be publicly viewable.
How Fitbod uses your Strava activity data
Your recommended workout is now created by analyzing both your Fitbod strength exercises and Strava cardio exercises.
Fitbod reads in your Strava Running & Cycling activities and lists these as Fitbod exercises in your Log. The muscle groups exercised by running and cycling are impacted in the Recovery tab. Fitbod reads in the distance, time, and elevation of your run/ride to correctly adjust muscle recovery percentage.
Connect your Strava account in Fitbod Settings under “Connected Apps."
Strava workouts that import into Fitbod
The following are Strava workouts that will import to Fitbod if both apps are synced.
- Cycling
- Cycling - Stationary
- E-Bike
- Elliptical
- Hiking
- Rowing
- Running
- Running - Treadmill
- Stair Stepper
- Virtual Ride
- Virtual Runs
- Walking
Unfortunately, we do not support Strava workouts such as Canoe, Ice Skate, Kayak, Rock Climb, etc. because these activities are not incorporated into our algorithm at this time.
If you are experiencing issues with one of the following activities listed above not importing into Fitbod, please try disconnecting and reconnecting Fitbod to Strava. If the issue continues, please email us at
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