Table of Contents
How Fitbod Recommends Sets, Reps, and Weight
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If I stop using Fitbod for a while, will the app automatically reduce my weight recommendations?
I haven’t been working out, how long will it take Fitbod to adjust my strength recommendations?
How Fitbod Recommends Sets, Reps, and Weight
When an exercise is selected, Fitbod will suggest a number of sets and repetitions (reps) to perform based on the specific exercise and your fitness goal. In addition, if you performed the exercise in the past, Fitbod will incorporate prior sets and rep counts and recommend a weight based on your previous input. Fitbod uses a sophisticated Warm Start model to provide initial workout recommendations for both new exercises and new users. This system helps Fitbod quickly understand your capabilities and tailor them to your needs from day one. Learn more about how our Warm Start Model works and how it ensures you receive personalized workout plans right from the start.
Fitbod's algorithm selects a sets and reps scheme that is appropriate for your fitness goals and the exercise. It then estimates your theoretical One-Repetition Maximum - how much you could lift in one set of one rep - based on what is known about you. Finally, it uses a modified version of the Brzycki formula to calculate an appropriate weight given the sets and rep scheme and your estimated one-repetition maximum. That is how the optimal number of sets and reps and the optimal weight for each of your exercises in each of your workouts are determined.
Sets, reps, and weight recommendations are also based on the non-linear periodization resistance technique, which alters the intensity/volume relationship in every workout. With this technique, you may not hit your limit or max effort in every workout, but the method will ensure that intensity and volume are varied and periodically increased over time. This ensures maximum effectiveness for both hypertrophy (muscle gain) and burning calories for weight loss. Fitbod gives you the flexibility to adjust your recommended sets, reps, and weight based on how challenging you find the initial recommendations. If you completed the initial recommendations without making any adjustments the app will prompt you with an Exertion Rating, which helps Fitbod understand how you liked or disliked the recommendation. If you modify the initial recommendation the app will take that into account and assume you adjusted the workout to your capabilities and take that into account for future recommendations.
If I stop using Fitbod for a while, will the app automatically reduce my weight recommendations?
Yes, Fitbod will! If you take time off due to vacation, need a break, or recovering from an injury, Fitbod will reduce your Estimated Strength depending on the duration you've been away, lowering your strength recommendations. If those recommendations feel off, please safely adjust them and Fitbod will adjust your future recommendations accordingly!
I haven't been working out, how long will it take Fitbod to adjust my strength recommendations?
Fitbod's muscle strength decay logic typically kicks in within a few weeks from when you stop logging workouts. Although you will not get a notification from the app, you will notice that the weight recommendations for exercises not performed during this time will decrease.