Now, you can quickly make changes to your daily workouts with Fitbod’s new Training Session Mods. With this new feature, you can customize today's workout without changing your Gym Profile settings. Please note, Training Session Mods will not update your Gym Profile settings, only the current workout!
Please note, that some Training Session mods are only available on iOS at this time - these features will be indicated as "iOS only" below.
Table of Contents
Exercise Variability (iOS only)
Training Session Mods
Workout Duration
If your schedule for training time changes, you can easily adapt your workout duration for that day without making any big changes to your Gym Profile. With the Workout Duration Training Mod, you can adjust the length of your workout, ranging from as short as 15 minutes to as long as 1.5 hours. Changing the duration in the app will automatically adjust the number of exercises you are being recommended for your workout. The app's adaptability ensures that your workout regimen can always align with your available time, making it easier to stay consistent with your Fitness Goals!
Muscle Splits
Try a new training split to surprise your muscles by working them in a different order or in different groups. Check out Fitbod’s training split options:
Fresh Muscle Groups
Workouts are built around your two freshest primary muscle groups and your core, either abs or lower back. Exercises are picked according to exercise science’s best practices and your muscle recovery levels.
Full Body
Workouts that engage your whole body. Exercises are picked according to exercise science’s best practices and your muscle recovery levels.
Upper/Lower Split
Workouts that target your upper body or lower body separately. Upper body workouts train your shoulders, biceps, triceps, upper back, neck, and traps. Lower body workouts train your glutes, hamstrings, quads, hip flexors, and calves. Fitbod will recommend core muscles in either split if they are sufficiently recovered.
Push/Pull/Lower Split
Workouts that target specific muscle functions and groups: Push, Pull, and Lower body workouts. Push exercises that train your chest, triceps, and shoulders. Pull exercises that train your upper back, lower back, and biceps. Lower body exercises that train your hamstrings, quads, and glutes.
Equipment (iOS only)
Quickly change your available equipment information to enable Fitbod in tailoring workouts according to your specific training conditions and surroundings. If you're not working out at your usual gym, inform Fitbod about the equipment you have access to with this Training Session mod, and it will craft the current workout customized to you.
Do you want to experiment with a different piece of equipment? Simply include it for today's workout.
Fitness Goal
Change your Workout Goal for a session if you feel like switching things up or want to try something new! For more information about Fitbod's Fitness Goal options, please visit our Fitness Goal Help Center article. Here’s a refresher on our available workout goals:
General Fitness (Maintenance Workout)
Want a change…but not sure what kind? Pick this goal. Fitbod will generate full-body routines that burn fat, build muscle, and feature a variety of exercises and equipment.
Bodybuilding (Increase Muscle Mass & Size)
Switch to Fitbod’s Bodybuilding goal for more reps with less weight. You’ll work on muscle definition by isolating muscles, depending on your training split.
Strength Training (Get Stronger & Lift More Weight)
Fitbod’s Strength Training goal improves functional fitness, activates different muscle groups, and builds muscle mass. You’ll practice compound movements to focus on large muscle groups and train accessory muscles.
Muscle Tone (Get Lean & Burn Calories)
Get your heart rate high with the Muscle Tone goal. Pick this to try muscle tone-improving and calorie-burning routines. They’ll include a mix of compound and isolation exercises with higher reps and shorter rest periods.
This goal is a bit more advanced, with the aim to get better at the sport of powerlifting. You’ll focus on the three main lifts of the sport: The bench press, squat, and deadlift. Fitbod will recommend higher weights, fewer reps, and only a little cardio in line with your training splits.
Olympic Weightlifting
Fitbod’s most specific goal is also for its most advanced lifters. Choose this one to practice two lifts: The snatch and the clean and jerk. You’ll perform more sets, fewer reps, and only a little cardio while focusing on compound movements and full-body splits to build strength in each technique.
Feeling a bit fatigued before today's workout? Use this Training Session Mod to quickly update your exercise difficulty for today's workout to better fit today's circumstances. Going from beginner to intermediate, or intermediate to advanced, gives you more complex exercises that are harder to execute. Alternatively, you can use this Training Session Mod to enhance the intensity of your workout, especially if you're in the mood for a more daring session today.
Exercise Type
Adjust workouts to use all of your available equipment (All Exercises), or switch to bodyweight only for this session.
Exercise Variability (iOS only)
Use this Training Session Mod to make your current workout more consistent or with more variability in terms of exercises. Increasing exercise variability for a single workout can offer several advantages such as preventing plateaus and boredom! However, increasing consistency can provide a more targeted/focused workout. Freely adjust to what you want to accomplish for today's workout!
***Important Note:
Exercise Variability is only available as a Training Session Mod for those who have logged at least 30 workouts in their Fitbod account.
Warm-up/Cooldown (iOS only)
Quickly add mobility exercises as a warm-up (before your workout) or cool-down (after your workout) to your current workout.
For more information on Fitbod's Warm-up/Cool-down feature, please visit our Warm-up/Cool-down Help Center article.
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